Thomas Merton once characterized the moral theology of the devil like this:
“Another characteristic of the devil’s moral theology is the exaggeration of all distinctiveness between this and that, good and evil, wrong and right. These distinctions become irreducible division. No longer is there any sense that we might perhaps all be more or less at fault, and that we all might be expected to take upon our own shoulders the wrongs of others by forgiveness, acceptance, patient understanding and love, and thus help one another to find the truth. On the contrary, in the devil’s theology, the important thing is to be absolutely right and to prove that everybody else is absolutely wrong. This does not exactly make for peace and unity….because it means that everyone wants to are absolutely right…. And in order to prove their rightness they have to punish and eliminate those who are wrong.”
-From New Seeds of Contemplation, 1962
It’s all about personal responsibility. That is why Judaism does not speak any power but your own, and God’s.