"[Alfred] Hitchcock became a notorious purloiner of eggs from the priest’s hen house, on the forbidden side of the presbytery garden… He loved to steal eggs and throw them on the windows of the Jesuit residence. When an angry priest ran out, demanding to know who had dirtied the glass, Cocky affected an innocent look, glanced at the sky, shrugged, and said, ‘I don’t know, Father. It looks like birds have been flying overhead’.” From The Life of Alfred Hitchcock.
Advice to parents: it is not easy to put up with the pranks of children. They tease. They test. They tug at our consciousness all the time. Yet, it is all a testing ground for what may come in the future. Direct them. Teach them. Educate them but remember: a genius is in the making.
Advice to parents: it is not easy to put up with the pranks of children. They tease. They test. They tug at our consciousness all the time. Yet, it is all a testing ground for what may come in the future. Direct them. Teach them. Educate them but remember: a genius is in the making.