After a while the cell phone loses its luster and we peer at the ads for the latest additional gizmo that will entertain us. By the time we have exhausted the newest model with the features that made it seem wondrous at first, they have now become necessary, almost vital to our lives. How did we ever live without them? The same is true for all the inventions that make their way into our lives. From televisions to radios to GPS’ to texting and on, what was once a comfort grew to be a necessity.
Every now and again it is good to do a reality check by asking ‘Who is the master and who is the servant?’
“Comfort is a stealthy thing that enters the house as a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.” ~ Lebanese poet, Khalil Gibrain
Every now and again it is good to do a reality check by asking ‘Who is the master and who is the servant?’
“Comfort is a stealthy thing that enters the house as a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.” ~ Lebanese poet, Khalil Gibrain