"One mother can take care of seven children but seven children cannot take care of one mother."
Yiddish proverb
One expects to be cared for. From the time we first appear in the world, we have many needs and grow to expect that someone will always protect and feed us. As time passes expectations change...but not too much. Our parents are always our parents and it is hard to think of them in any way other than as a caretaker.
Note though that the commandment which appears in the Big Ten is the opposite. It states, "Honor thy father and mother." The Torah in its direct way tells us as we grow we must change out thought pattern to reflect a new responsibility toward the people that brought us into the world.
Yiddish proverb
One expects to be cared for. From the time we first appear in the world, we have many needs and grow to expect that someone will always protect and feed us. As time passes expectations change...but not too much. Our parents are always our parents and it is hard to think of them in any way other than as a caretaker.
Note though that the commandment which appears in the Big Ten is the opposite. It states, "Honor thy father and mother." The Torah in its direct way tells us as we grow we must change out thought pattern to reflect a new responsibility toward the people that brought us into the world.