The tale of Cain and Abel is about the most disconcerting story in the entire Bible. It contains the worst kernels of what humanity is all about.
In a powerful interpretation of the text in Genesis, Joseph Campbell wrote,
"...the herder [Abel] against the planter [Cain] and the planter is the one who is abominated. This is the myth of hunting people or herding people who have come into a planting culture world and denigrate the people whom they have conquered." The Power of Myth
If there is a purpose to history it must not be to create opportunities of display greater skill with memory. The purpose of history is to learn, grow and earn the right to be the children of a proud Father.
In a powerful interpretation of the text in Genesis, Joseph Campbell wrote,
"...the herder [Abel] against the planter [Cain] and the planter is the one who is abominated. This is the myth of hunting people or herding people who have come into a planting culture world and denigrate the people whom they have conquered." The Power of Myth
If there is a purpose to history it must not be to create opportunities of display greater skill with memory. The purpose of history is to learn, grow and earn the right to be the children of a proud Father.