It is not about getting through life without pain. That is not realistic. We are all hurt, wounded beings.
It is not about living to avoid pain either. It will come anyway.It is about living a full and meaningful life. As an old African proverb states,"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."
Pain can dull our feeling or sharpen our awareness. We decide which path will be travelled.
Long, long ago two came to the conclusion that Eden, perfection, was not for them. They wanted to experience life and struggle, failure and conquest. That is why Adam and Havvah ate the forbidden fruit. It enabled them to feel the vitality of the moment.When they decided that exile was preferable to utopia they journeyed out into the world of discovery; a universe of life and death. Only then were the first two human beings truly happy.
DH Lawrence wrote a powerful poem called "Phoenix".
"Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing?
Are you willing to be made nothing?
Dipped into oblivion?
If not, you will never really change."
It is not about living to avoid pain either. It will come anyway.It is about living a full and meaningful life. As an old African proverb states,"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."
Pain can dull our feeling or sharpen our awareness. We decide which path will be travelled.
Long, long ago two came to the conclusion that Eden, perfection, was not for them. They wanted to experience life and struggle, failure and conquest. That is why Adam and Havvah ate the forbidden fruit. It enabled them to feel the vitality of the moment.When they decided that exile was preferable to utopia they journeyed out into the world of discovery; a universe of life and death. Only then were the first two human beings truly happy.
DH Lawrence wrote a powerful poem called "Phoenix".
"Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing?
Are you willing to be made nothing?
Dipped into oblivion?
If not, you will never really change."