There is so much to want and need. We want a nicer car. We need food. We want a cushiony bank account. We need to pay our bills. We want people to like us. We need companionship.
There are big differences between wants and needs and yet often they become confused. It seems that the more we have, the more we seem to need. The inverse also seems true: the less we have, the less we need.Still, to be more accurate our wants always outnumber our needs. Thank God for that! Baruch HaShem.
In the Talmud a great Sage asks, "Who is rich?" He answers, "The one who is happy with what they have." This rabbi understood the need to make sure we understand the difference between wants and needs. If we are content, the difference becomes much more obvious.
When I really think about it we need very little. Needs are pretty elemental and basic; food, water, shelter, companionship, clothes and protection.... Some would say that we need pain. Yes, pain. Pain brings us to an awareness of what we hold. It gives perspective to a real universe.
I removed rocks
and fallen logs
from our little stream,
And the brook
lost its laughter
And forgot its song.
Then I understood
Why, when I prayed,"O Lord, take all my troubles away,
"The answer came:
"Are you sure you want this,
My child?"
-Harold E. Kohn
What do you need?