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Showing posts from June, 2023

Olam HaBa

  Two golfing buddies, Irving and Seymour, were shmoozing over coffee one day after their weekly game of golf.  The question they were musing about is simple: Is there golf in heaven, or not? They talked and talked, and realized that they were no nearer to knowing the answer than they’d been before they started talking. But they came up with an ingenious way to find out the answer to the question. They promised one another that whoever died first would try to get a message back to the other. That put their minds at ease. One day, Irving passed away in his sleep. Seymour was saddened by the news, but within a few weeks he began to be anxious as he waited to learn the answer to the question that had bedeviled them in that conversation they’d had back then. One week went by, then a second. Finally, a few days later, as he was about to go to sleep, Irving appeared to Seymour in a vision. “Hello, Seymour!” Irving said. “Hello, Irving,” Seymour responded.  “Nu,” he continued, “...


 "When a scholar dies every person is his/her relative [we all grieve].  When a friend dies, all suffer.  When a tzaddik dies, the entire generation is diminished. - Talmud

You Say You Want a Revolution

" The revolution, which finds here not its end, but its organizational beginning, is no short-lived revolution.  The present generation is like the Jews whom Moses led through the wilderness.  It has not only a new world to conquer, it must go under in order to make room for men who are able to cope with a new world." - Karl Marx, 1848 We are always in need of a revolution but one which is based in dignity, morality and steeped in the wisdom of the past.


 "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last. "  Winston Churchill. Sometimes we need to take a  position, choose a side.


  In 1983, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, “ Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. ”  Search for the truth and always question.

Freedom and Hope

"The Messiah...will come [to Rome] and command the Pope and all the kings of the nations in the name of God, 'Let my people go so that they may serve Me'."  - Ramban For thousands of years this has been the hope of the Jew.

Miracles of the One

The natural course of events is when water comes from the heavens above and bread from the ground.  In the exodus from Egypt, however, all things were reversed - bread came from the heavens and water came from the rock.  -Rabbi Louis Jacobs