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Showing posts from May, 2022


  “It is better for one to throw oneself into a furnace rather than to embarrass a person in public.”  -Baba  Metzia 59a So precious is the honor of others.

The Duality of Being

Gershon read: "Until the day be cool and the shadows flee away."  This refers to the secret known to the Companions, that when a man's time comes to leave this world, his shadow deserts him.  Rabbi Eleazar says that man has two shadows, one larger and one smaller, and when they are together, then he is truly himself."  - Chaim Potok , The Book of Lights This reference has several levels of meaning.  The "shadow" is just that - the darkness cast on the ground by our image bathed in light.  Yet, it also means our dark nature, our negative impulse.  It is important to ever beware of our yetser ha-tov and, at the same time, our yetser ha-ra .  Both are necessary as they make us fully human.

Real Love

 A Tanna taught: "The death of a man is only felt by his wife."  - Sanhedrin 22b A seal of commitment between people is so powerful that nothing rivals it in this world.


Talmud tells a quaint story pdf the son of Rav Mari who was being harassed by members of his family.  The young man fell on his father's grave crying, "Father, father, they are causing me distress!" - Taanit 23b When a person is in pain they will turn anywhere to get relief.  We have had the same experience.  What would you do if you knew you are the cause of such distress?