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Showing posts from March, 2022


 Over the entrance of the Department of Anatomy at Oxford University is the inscription: "This is the place where death teaches life." Perhaps this is sign for us life is so short and the Angel of Death will visit us, make the most of each moment.

The Key to Life

 Rabbi Yohanan prayed this when he finished the book of Job: The end of man is death. The end of the beasts is slaughter. Everything that exists must die. Happy is the one who grew in Torah and was weaned on Torah, who was gives the spirit of joy to his Master. And who matured with a good name. And who left this world with a good name. As Solomon the wise said, "A good name is better than the best oil and the day of one's death is better than the day of his birth."   -berachot 13a

Herzl's Dream

“At Basel I founded the Jewish state.  If I said this aloud today I would be answered by universal laughter. Perhaps in five years, certainly fifty, everyone will agree.” -Theodor Herzl, 1897 after the First World Zionist congress, Switzerland Herzl was prophetic. What was thought impossible, came to reality.


Death – The cessation of life; the ceasing to exist; defined by physicians as a total stoppage of the circulation of the blood, and a cessation of the animal and vital functions consequent thereon such as respiration, pulsation, etc..  - Black’s Law Dictionary 1959 But you know the truth.  Death is not only defined by the body shutting down.  It is also when the heart stops  loving.


  "Do not attempt to comfort the bereaved while the dead lie before them."  - Avot 4:23 When death confronts people whom we care for, let them speak, allow them to wonder and be patient and quiet.  Only after the burial will words of comfort have their intended effect.

Sins of the Fathers

Rabbi Gorion in the name of Rabbi Joseph said, "The  righteous in a generation are held responsible for the sins of the generation, and if there are no righteous, then schoolchildren."  - Talmud Shabbat 33b While  this pronouncement is difficult to understand and  accept it does contain a  kernel  of  great  truth.  When generations do face up to  evil, there will be  ramifications  that the  future  will have to confront.

When Tears Have Dried

A broken hearted king David learned from bitter experience. Do you remember how his son, longed-for son of his beloved beloved Bat Sheva felt desperately ill. The king was inconsolable, he refused to be comforted. And then when the baby died, the king realized what had happened and calmed and consoled himself. “While the child was still alive I fasted and wept, for I said who knows whether the Lord will be gracious to me that child will live?” But once the boy was gone, he dried his tears and changed his morning clothes. “Can I bring him back?” he mused rhetorically. No he could not. He had to walk on and continue to live.  - from 2 Samuel 12   Pain is universal and inevitable. We weep and we grow from our experiences.


Christian author Frederick Buechner once wrote: “There is no evidence of a prophet ever being invited back a second time for dinner.” People often do not wish to hear the truth; the would rather listen to the voices that agree with them. Or as  Israel Salanter said,  “A rabbi about whom there is no controversy is not much of a rabbi.”


 In Rabbi Yohanan's old age, grief over his brother-in-law and colleague death caused his "sense to slip away. "  -Baba Metzia 84a Anguish can do that.  It can make us prematurely old, forgetful and confused.  So be kind to yourself and others when death visits.

Defend One Another

George M. Cohan (1878-1943) in the early 1900's--before he became  famous--once came to NY City. Arriving at a hotel, he signed the registry. The manager took one look at the name, and curtly responded, "Sorry, we cannot admit you. Our hotel is restricted." Cohan--an Irish-American Catholic--picked up his bag and shrugged. "Okay, I'll make other arrangements." Then he paused for a moment and returned to the desk to face the manager. "It seems, Sir, we are both mistaken. You thought I'm Jewish. And I thought you were a gentleman." It is our task to work to defend one another, no matter the faith or nationality.  

Do Not Wait

An American army unit entered into a concentration camp and were stunned at the gruesome sight that they beheld. A Jewish soldier was especially affected by what he saw. He ran over to a skeletal Jewish prisoner and shouted in Yiddish, “Ich bin doo! I am here! Ich bin a Yid!” He fully expected to be greeted in joy. Instead the Jewish concentration camp prisoner slapped the American soldier across the face and said, “ You came too late!” -Rabbi David Blumenfeld If help is needed do  not  vacillate, do  not  overthink. Do something.  Now.

Dare to Live

If I had my life to live over, I'd dare to make more mistakes next time. I'd relax, I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but I'd have fewer imaginary ones. You see, I'm one of those people who lived sensibly and sanely, hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. I've been one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had to do it again, I would travel lighter than I have. If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way ...

Smile at You

G.K. Chesterton once said, "A characteristic of the great saints is their power of levity. Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly. One 'settles down' into a sort of selfish seriousness; but one has to rise to a gay self-forgetfulness. A man falls into a 'brown study'; he reaches up at a blue sky."

The Next World

Once upon a time Joseph ben Joshua became very ill. He had a burning fever. He thrashed about in his bed, his head was sweating, and finally fell into a coma. His mother wrapped him in sheets, the sick room became damp and hot, and everyone spoken whispers. Joseph’s sister was sitting along with him, when suddenly Joseph ben Joshua, set up stiff in his bed. Joseph opened his eyes, but he did not seem to be able to see. His sister was frightened, and she brought her father, Reb Joshua into the room.  “Joseph?” Asked his father, “Are you all right?”  At first, Joseph did not answer. ”Joseph?” ”Yes, father?” ”Are you all right?” "I think so.” ”Can you see me?    “No, I’m afraid that I cannot see.” ”Then what is it that you see?” asked Reb Joshua.   “The world is upside down, Father.” ”Upside down?” ”Yes,” said Joseph, “the furniture is on the ceiling, and in fact everything is the opposite of our normal life. Trees grow with the roots in the sky; cattle l...

Never Give Up

When Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi was ill, the Rabbis fasted and prayed for him.  The maid also prayed, “Rabbi is sought above and sought below.  May the ones below prevail over those above.”   - Ketubot 104a   It is always God’s will but our prayers can sway the balance.  Never give up.  

The Whole Torah

  "All who expend effort for the sake of the needs of the community, it is as if they have immersed themselves into Torah."  - Talmud Yerushalmi Berakhot Our obligation extends to study, observance the answering the call of those in need.

Learn and Teach

 "To what can scholar be compared? The Rabbis answer, "To a vial of fragrant perfume.  When its cover is removed, its fragrance is diffused.  When covered, its fragrance remains inside, not diffused."  - Avodah Zarah 35b The purpose of learning to to share what we know with others.  The world then benefits as its fragrance is spread.

A Prayer for Today

The Prayer  God in heaven, Creator of all flesh, Worker of wonders, Do not stay silent, do not remain voiceless; Do not keep aloof. For an evil man has come to power and declare war on another country, saying ‘We will rise up violently against you in battle.’  But you, God, have commanded us in your sacred scriptures, saying ‘Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor; I am God.’  Therefore, make the aggressor desist from destruction….