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Showing posts from January, 2019


"All needs are one-sided. When hungry we are in need of food, yet food is not in need of being consumed. Things of beauty attract our minds; we feel the need of perceiving them, yet they are not in need of being perceived by us....Religion begins with the certainty that something is asked of us, that these are ends which are in need of us."   Abraham Joshua Heschel

Listen to the World

"As we were walking, I plucked some flower or plant.  Rabbi Kook [then Chief Rabbi of Israel] trembled and told me that he took great care not to pluck anything unless it was for a benefit.  Anything that could grow...there was no plant below that did not have a guardian above.  Everything that grew said something, every stone whispered some secret, all creation sang."  - Arye Levine

Real Forgiveness

 Rav Kamenetzky told, “Rabbi Salanter was traveling by train from Salant to Vilna and was sitting in a smoking car holding a lit cigar. A young man accosted him by yelling about the putrid odor of the smoke. Other passengers were appalled. After all, they were in the smoking car. Despite that, Rabbi Salanter extinguished the cigar and opened the train’s window to dissipate the fumes. It was only a few seconds before the young man slammed the window down, while screaming at the elderly sage for opening it. Rabbi Salanter apologized profusely to the man young enough to be his child, and buried himself in a Jewish book of law. Upon arriving in Vilna, the young man was horrified to see throngs of people gathered to receive one of Europe’s most prominent Rabbis. The man immediately ran to the home where Rabbi Salanter was staying. He began to beg forgiveness. “Don’t worry,” explained Reb Yisrael, “a trip can make one edgy. I bear no ill will. Tell me,” continued the mussar master, ...

Be You

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out is to risk involvement. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas and dreams before the crowd is to risk their love. To love is to risk not being loved in return. To love is to risk dying. To hope is to risk despair. To try is to risk failure. But the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The one who risks nothing  and has nothing  finally is nothing.   - unknown


Mr. Levine sent his only daughter to “finishing school” in Paris. When she returned to Cleveland she married and in due course was taken to the maternity hospital. When the obstetrician came to find out how she was doing, she moaned, “Mon dieu!  Mon dieu!” “Doctor, quick, she is giving birth!” gasped her father in alarm. The doctor indifferently shook his head and answered, “Not yet.” An hour later the daughter wailed elegantly, "Sauvez moi, Docteur!” “Doctor, quick, -- she is giving birth” gasped Mr. Levine frantically. A few minutes later a piercing shriek rang through the hospital. “Oy gevalt! Mama!” “She is giving birth now!” said the doctor. We learn so much in school and beyond that sometimes we forget who we are and where we come from. But it always comes back when need arises.   Remember.


The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, has nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow But he cannot learn, feel, change grow a love. Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave. He has forfeited his freedom. Only a person who risks is free.   – Ann Landers

Four Laws

Barry Commoner, in his book The Closing Circle: Nature, Man and Technology introduced us to the four ecological laws that govern nature, machinery and cycles. 1. Everything is connected to everything else. 2. Everything must go somewhere. 3. Nature knows best. 4. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Peace in Israel

"Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality."    - Martin Luther King


"The Lord's kindness is attracted to gayety. A joyful person is usually blessed with plenty, even though he may be impious. A sad person is usually in want, even though he be God-fearing. " Simcha Bunim of Pasischa ,  "The Wisdom of Israel" ,  ed. Lewis Browne)

All Are Responsible

There is immense silent agony in the world, and the task of man is to be a voice for the plundered poor, to prevent the desecration of the soul and the violation of our dream of honesty. The more deeply immersed I became in the thinking of the Prophets, the more powerfully it became clear to me what the lives of the Prophets sought to convey:  that morally speaking, there is no limit to the concern one must feel for the suffering of human beings, that indifference to evil is worse than evil itself, that in a free society, some are guilty, but all are responsible. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,  Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity 

On Risk and Growth

K arl Wallenda spent practically his entire life on a high wire, thrilling crowds with his daring high altitude act.  That all need din 1978 when Wallenda plunged 75 feet to his death before an audience of thousands in San Juan, P.R..  When Wallenda’s widow began to sort out what might have happened that dreadful day, she noted that recently her husband had become more and more concerned with little details of safety.  His precautions became a preoccupation.  Instead of all his energies being channeled into performing his act, his purpose had now become how to keep from falling. Out of this terrible story comes a new label- the “Wallenda Factor.”  It cautions us to be aware of being so afraid of failure that we dwell only on the negatives..  Life is a risk we must take.  While we should be careful in a prudent sort of way, we cannot allow ourselves to become paralyzed by fear of failure.  – C.W. Bess

Your Moment

Once to every man and nation comes a moment to decide, In the strife of truth and Falsehood, for the good or evil side; Some great cause, God’s new Messiah offering each the bloom or blight,  And the choice goes by forever ‘twixt that darkness and that light.  Though the cause of evil prosper, yet ‘tis truth alone is strong Though her portions be the scaffold, and upon the throne be wrong Yet that scaffold sways the future, and behind the dim unknown  S tandeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.    James Russell Lowell "There is no person who does  not  have their hour and no thing that does not have its place."  - Pirkay Avot 4:2 Could this be your moment?

Good to Love But Not Too Much

It is good to love yourself but not too much. ... G reek mythology relates the story of a handsome lad, Narcissus, son of Cephisus. His mother asked the prophet if her son would live to a ripe old age and the prophet said: “If he ever knows himself.” Narcissus was proud of his beauty. Many maidens loved him, but he paid no attention to them.  Echo, one of those who loved Narcissus, was so hurt by his coldness, that she faded away until only her voice remained. Another maiden uttered a prayer that he might someday feel what it was to love without return of affection. Narcissus was punished. While stooping over the edge of the river, he saw the image of a beautiful figure in the water.  He talked to it, but received no reply.  He tried to embrace it but failed. He languished for it not realizing that it was his own image that he loved and pined until he died. In the end he was transfigured into a flower which now bears his name.   – Leo Landman ...

Fasten Your Belt

Once Mohammed Ali was about to take off on an airplane flight when one of the stewardesses reminded him to fasten his seat belt.  He replied brashly, “Superman don’t need no seat belt.”  The stewardess quickly replied, “Superman don’t need no airplane, either!”  Ali fastened his seat belt. Life is like that too.  It always makes sense to fasten your seat belt whether driving, flying, playing sports, talking with neighbors, engaging in business... We have little control over life, certainly much less than we think.


"He who eats foods that do not agree with him transgresses three commandments, in that he has despised himself, despised the foods, and recited a blessing improperly."  - Rabbi Akiva, Avot d'Rabbi Natan "Eat your bread in gladness." - Kohelet


"Ive placed land mines around my bedroom door.  Thus, if the cleaner zooms is within 20 feet of my room it'll be a good joke on our maid.  The only disadvantage is that, after a direct hit, you have to get a new vacuum cleaner.  Also a new maid." - -Groucho Marx The joke reveals a truth: boundaries are to be seen and respected.  According to the Talmud a four foot invisible perimeter surrounds each person.  When we come within that area we are within their boundary.


"Alexander the Great had a solider in his army who bore his own name but he was a great coward.  The Emperor, enraged at his conduct justly said to him, "Either change your name, or learn to live up to it"."  - M. Mandel We all have names, not without meaning. Find out the meaning of your name and then live up to it.


At a UJA dinner, a non-Jewish guest marveled at the outpouring of contributions.  He leaned over and whispered to his host, "How do you do it?"  With a smile the Jew said, "First you start with 1,000 years of persecution." -Rabbi Saul Teplitz When the need is pressing we show up with our support.  Otherwise, how would we still exist?

One's Value

“May there not be envy by one person of another, and direct our hearts each one of us see the virtues of my fellow humans and not their defects and faults.” – a prayer of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk


A great rabbi wanted to reintroduce the Sanhedrin just after the birth of the state of Israel.  Ben-Gurion asked, “Where are you going to find seventy righteous and honest men?” He replied, “Well, if you pay enough you can get them! ” - Rabbi Louis Jacobs

The Saddest Eulogy

“He stood erect- as a peg top does so long as the whip keeps lashing it.  He was modest – thanks to a robust conviction of his own superiority. He was unambitious – all he wanted was a life free from cares, and he took more pleasure in failures of others than in his own successes.  He saved his life by never risking it – and complained that he was misunderstood.”  - Dag Hammarskjold


"He who has no wife is not a man for Scripture says, "Male and female He created them...and called their name Adam."  - Yevamot 63A And the same can be said for her.


Rabbi Zusya's wife was unhappy in their marriage and consistently ask him for a divorce.  One night the rabbi called to her, "Hendle, look here."  He showed her that his pillow was wet. "The Talmud tells us that if a man  divorces his first wife, the altar itself sighs tears for him.  My pillow is wet with those tears.  Now, do you still insist that we have a divorce?" From then on Rabi Zusya's wife became happy and contented. Can you solve your ache?


The story is told that one day General Eisenhower’s chauffeur could stand the suspense no longer. And so he turned around and he said to the General who was sitting in the back seat of his car: “Would you please tell me when and where the allies are going to invade?” Eisenhower leaned forward and said to his chauffeur: “Can you keep a secret?” The driver said eagerly: “Yes I can. Trust me, I can! I can!” To which General Eisenhower replied as he sat back: “So can I.”  -Rabbi Jack Reimer There is no pride in saying whatever comes to mind.  Being able to hold your tongue, on the other hand,  is a great attribute.


“…someone or something to revolt against and someone to actually show up and do the revolting. Dress is usually casual and both parties may be flexible about time and place but if either faction fails to attend, the whole enterprise is likely to come off badly.”  -Woody Allen Woody Allen, through his dry wit, understands the need for us to put our self where our ideas are. In other words, thoughts are largely meaningless unless they translate into action.