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Showing posts from February, 2014

Look on the Bright Side

A shadchan was discussing a certain young woman with a young man “But she is lame,” the fellow complained. “That is an asset,” the shadchan smiled, “for she won’t be able to run after you.” “She is blind,” the chap protested. “That is just fine.   She won’t see when you go out with other women.” “But she is mute!” “So what? I wish my husband would lose his tongue!” “People whisper that her mother is a wicked women.” “So? Do you intend on marrying her mother?” “But she is very ugly.” “That is good,” the shadchan replied. “You’ll have no fear that another will snatch her.” “But she is a hunchback,” the chap groaned. “You amaze me, young man,” the shadchan ejaculated jumping from the chair.   “Did you want her you be altogether perfect?” -The Friday Night Book 


“The causal relationship between the first principle (i.e. God, or a strong wind) and any technological concept of being (Being) is, according to Pascal, “so ludicrous that it’s not even funny (Funny).”    -Woody Allen Life can be trying.  Do not forget to brush everyday and laugh.


An aging Cambridge math professor who had been teaching math for many years was told that his teaching required more diversity.   He was advised to study English literature – something as simple as Browning – perhaps “The Charge of the light Brigade.”   After reading for some time, the professor said, “One half league, it states, and then again, one half league, and then another half league…    Why can’t he just say one an one half leagues??” –Louis Jacobs Everyone sees the work through their own lens.  One person sees orange while another says, "red."  Who is correct?  Maybe both? Neither?  What does the answer say about us?

Being Philosophical

At the beginning of each Amidah we invoke the Master of our ancestors.  This statement of belief is the foundation of our lives. It is not debatable.  It is a matter of faith. "To the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but not the God pot philosophers."  -Pascal

On Philosophy

"Agathon: But you have proved many times that the soul is immortal. Allen: And it is!  Om paper.  See, that's the thing about philosophy - it's not all that functional once you get out of class." - Woody Allen, Side Effects

Give Me Time

A man found the horse of the king but he did not know it was the king’s horse so he kept it. But the king found out, had him arrested was going to kill him for stealing his horse. The man tried to explain and said that he would take his punishment but does the king know that he could teach his horse to talk? So the king thought about it and so decreed that they would give the man a year to make his horse speak. Well, his friends think he is nuts. But the man says, “Well, who knows?   The king may die, I could die, the world may come to an end, or the king might forget.   Who knows? Maybe, just maybe the horse may talk?”


 "We have all of us sufficient fortitude to bear the misfortune of others." -La Rochefoucauld For some things we are towers of endless strength.  Isn't this a gift that must not be wasted?

A Work in Progress

“Then Isaac prayed to the Eternal: King of the World, when You created light, You said in Your Torah that it was good; When You made the expanse of heaven and earth, You said in Your Torah that they were good; And of every herb You made, and every beast, You said that they were good; But when You made us in Your image You did not say of us in Your Torah that humanity was good. Why Lord? And God answered him: Because you I have not perfected, Because through the Torah you are to perfect yourselves And to perfect the world. All other things are completed; they cannot grow. But humankind is not complete: you have yet to grow.  Then I will call you good.”  - Gates of Prayer

Our Lives

"We are on the wrong side of the tapestry."  - G.K. Chesterton It is not always beautiful on the backside, doing the work to make sure everything is in order, but without it there would be no front.

What We See

Rabbi Norman Lamm tells the story of reviewing a Yiddish journal in Romania.   It was written in the 1930’s.   Articles covered things such as a shochet who was accused of malfeasance; a rabbi who was subjected to various invectives; how a certain Hasidic leader was despicable.   It went on until Lamm’s amusement became anger.   In the midst of all that petty controversy were minor articles on such insignificant events like the “Putsch in Munich Beer Hall,” "Racial Laws Passed in Nuremberg,’ “National Socialist Movement Wins in Germany.” The truly important was relegated to tiny boxes in the corners of the paper. What consumes our attention may not be ultimately what consumes us.