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Showing posts from March, 2013

Do Not Take it in Vain

The Talmud ( Sh evuot  39a) records tha t the entire world once c o nvulsed with such force that is almost split apart when the Holy One uttered, " Thou shalt not take My name in vain." "Why then ? " asks a nameless scholar .  "Why was it that the earth was v erly nearly destroyed then and not at any other part of the Decalogue ?"   Such is the awesome power of this Mitzvah to not take His name in vain that it guides the other nine.  

Fighting Fear

I recall an old Ann Landers column that told of a woman who, when uptight, would sit with her vacuum cleaner and let the wind blow into her face full force.  Her relatives thought she ought to be committed but Landers responded that sitting and hugging the vacuum was a reasonable response when there is no alternative. We all need a vacuum cleaner now and again but a human is so much more comforting, isn't it?

In Control

A story tells of a conductor making his way down the train collecting tickets.  He came to  a couple of Hasidim.  They looked up and asked, "Why don't you ask the people in the engine cab for their tickets?" "They are driving the train," answered the surprised conductor. "So are we," said the Hasidim .  -Herbert Weiner When "God is with me, I will not fear."

Kinds of Music

Music activates soemthing deep inside us.  It moves us as words cannot.  Yet. "When a person hears the melody of a wicked musician, it damages his service of God, but when he hears the melody of a “kosher” musician, it is good for his Divine service… Music is rooted in a very lofty place on high. When it is produced impurely, it is like the song of impure birds, like flying rumors that cause damage. But when it is produced purely, it derives from the same spiritual source as true prophecy." 
 -Rebbe Nachman

Life's Music

"In Your loving mercy, dear God, 
Give me strength to praise You 
With truly joyful, beautiful songs. " "Guide me so that I avoid music 
Which has a bad influence on me. 
Instead, help me raise myself to You 
With holiness and melodies of rejoicing." 
  -  Between me and You: Heartfelt Prayers for Each Jewish Woman


“When one tugs at a single thing in nature he will find it attached to the rest of the world.”   - John Muir Do not think you are alone.  Never.  We are interconnected with the universe.