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Showing posts from April, 2011


“If you’re going to weave a fabric you don’t put in all your black threads first or you’ll have no room for the white threads later.” –Marc Chagall Isn’t this a great truism for life?   Focus on the negative and it will soon outshine any bright spots.   The opposite is also true: Put disproportionate emphasis on good and soon all will radiate light.

Dogs 3

“Personally, I don’t see why a man can’t have a dog and a girl.   But if you can only afford one, get a dog.   For example, if your dog sees you playing with another dog, does he rush up to his lawyer and bark that your marriage is on the rocks and that he wants 600 bones a month alimony…” - Memoirs , Groucho Marx We know that at least dogs are faithful....

Dogs 2

“This guy came by trying to sell me a talking dog for $10,” related the bartender.   “I said, ‘Get out of here!’   But then the dog said, ‘Please, sir, this man is mean to me; he never takes me for walks, hardly feeds me, coops me up for days….’   I said, ‘Hey he really can talk.   Why are you selling him for only $10?’ “The guy said, ‘I’m sick and tired of all his lies!’”    - Jay Trachman, One to One


"The dog has got more fun out of Man Than Man has got out of the dog, For the clearly, demonstrable reason that Man Is the most laughable of the two animals.” -James Thurber, Thurber’s Dogs We need to go a a long way before humans can be called humane .

Everything Matters

“For want of a nail the shoe was lost, For want of a shoe the horse was lost, For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost- And all for want of a horseshoe nail.” - Poor Richard’s Almanac , 17 th century poet George Herbert Moral?   Everything and everyone matters no matter how insignificant it appears.


In Scotland, there is a legend that when Greyfriars Bobby died his dog remained so devoted and faithful to him that he stayed at his graveside for 14 years.   There is still a statute that can be seen today recalling his devotion.  It stands in Edinburgh. Animals are true companions.   They are steadfast, predictable, and ever-loving.

Teach Them Well

In 19 th century Russia the Cossacks used to routinely steal away Jewish children from their parents for conscription into the army.  At that time the rabbis used to tell the parents and their offspring, “Always refrain from sucking he bones of meat and make sure you use a spoon for soup.” They were deliberately given these instructions so that if the children were “khapped” when they grew up and returned to a community, they would be recognized as Jews. -Rabbi Louis Jacobs What was taught to one generation is in valuable to the next: We must teach our children skills of survival that always include a later spiritual return to their “home.”

Who's Forcing Them?

Ted Koppel, newscaster, was born in England.  Koppel lived through the ferocious bombing during World War II and was used to food shortages and rationing.  When Koppel came to the United States, the first advertisement he remembered hearing was about overeating.   "Who's forcing them?" he asked his mother. It is remarkable the number of ailments that comes with prosperity.  In poverty, there seem to be far fewer.  Without giving up all that we have, what can be learned?

On Loving

“The worst guests…are the ones I like the most.   I want them to do well so I smile…and it becomes fixed on my face.” - TV host Dick Cavett There is no shame in love.   Whether we are the givers or receivers, love is the greatest attribute of humanity. What I would whisper into Dick Cavett’s ear would be, “Love your love!   Roll in it!   Rejoice in such great feelings!”