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Showing posts from February, 2009

Take a Moment to Giggle

"And soon Job's pastures dried up and his tongue cleaved to the roof of his mouth so he could not pronounce the word "frankincense" without getting big laughs." - Woody Allen Life is serious but it also demands that we take time each day to laugh.

Think the Best

Rabbi Haim Gedalia of Ushpitzin "interceded with God in favor of an innkeeper who was notorious for his many sins. ‘Very well, I forgive him,’ said the Almighty. Pleased with his success, the rabbi began to search out all sinners to defend. This time, God didn’t listen. Remorseful, the Rabbi fasted for six days waiting for the reason of God’s displeasure. "You were wrong to look for sinners.’ A celestial voice told him. ‘If God chooses to look away, you should do the same.’ " Elie Wiesel

Look, Listen

Once a teacher stood before his students. About to deliver a discourse on the meaning of life, the master readied himself to begin . At that moment, a bird sang in the distance. The teacher then said, "The words have been delivered ." -Joseph Campbell